GLEON_ALL is a mailing list hosted by Google Groups that we use to distribute announcements from GLEON membership & affiliates to the listserv subscribers (900+ people) about GLEON Meetings and workshops, opportunities for research positions, funding, invitations for participating in new initiatives, trainings, scientific conferences, and other GLEON community updates.
You automatically become a subscriber of GLEON_ALL after your membership application is accepted by both the Membership Subcommittee and the Steering Committee.
Q: How do I know whether I am a subscriber to GLEON_ALL mailing list?
A: If you have (1) received an announcement from ‘Paul Hanson’ via gleon_all’ (occasionally from GLEON co-chairs, GSA chair or GLEON All-Hands Meeting organizers) with (2) the same footer as below at the end of that message, you are already a subscriber of GLEON_ALL mailing list.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups “gleon_all” group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
If you wish to subscribe to the list for information only and do not want to become a GLEON member yet, please contact Paul Hanson to be added to the list.
GLEON Student Association List
Contact the GSA to join the student association list.
GLEON Tech Lists
Github: GLEON technology, codes, models, software development: