GLEON Subcommittees
GLEON Subcommittees are chaired by Steering Committee (SC) members and populated by both SC members and any other interested GLEON members. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the current GLEON SC Co-chairs.
- Committee for inClusive Collaboration: proactively seeks to foster a collaborative social atmosphere in the GLEON community through feedback from members, administers GLEON All-Hands Meeting surveys, and makes recommendations to the SC and Program (Meeting) Committees.
- Governance and Leadership Committee: reviews governance and leadership structures to ensure GLEON is poised to achieve its mission and goals.
- Membership Committee: solicits and organizes statistics and information on GLEON membership and provides vision for selective growth opportunities and needs.
- Development Committee: proactively seeks to predict and manage future directions of GLEON growth in funding and support at both regional and global network levels.
- Program (Meeting) Committees: plan and organize annual All-Hands Meetings.
- GLEON All Hands’ Meeting Site Selection Committee: solicits applications and selects future GLEON meeting host sites.
- Other task forces and ad hoc committees as they are needed.
GLEON Student Association (GSA) Leadership Opportunities
The GSA represents students in GLEON leadership and governance and is open to all students and postdoctoral researchers. All students who join GLEON are considered members of the GSA.
- Chair and Co-Chair: The GSA is chaired by two graduate student GLEON members chosen by the GLEON Steering Committee. The chair has a vote in the Steering Committee and the Collaborative Climate Committee.
- Co-Chair Elect: The GSA co-chair elect learns the responsibilities of GSA leadership within GLEON under the direction of the current chair and co-chair. The co-chair elect is chosen by the GLEON Steering Committee and will assume the role of co-chair when the current co-chair steps down or is elected chair at the end of his or her serving term.
- Student Workshop Facilitators/Organizers (chosen by the GSA): The GSA holds regular student workshops and seeks workshop leaders and facilitators across a wide variety of topics. If you are interested in leading a workshop at a future All-Hands Meeting, please contact the current GSA leaders).
- GSA subcommittees: The GSA has other opportunities for students within the GLEON network, including serving on communications or poster session subcommittees.
Other Leadership Opportunities
Host an All Hands’ GLEON Meeting, a Working Group workshop or meeting, or a session at a conference
GLEON All Hands’ Meetings are hosted by GLEON site members and organized by Program (Meeting) Committees. These committees are facilitated by the SC co-chairs and populated with meeting hosts, SC members and the general GLEON community. Other opportunities for hosting meetings include leading small, focused Working Group meetings between All Hands’ Meetings, and by hosting GLEON gatherings, sessions or workshops at national or international meetings (e.g. ASLO, SIL, etc.).
Lead or co-lead a Working Group
The bulk of GLEON All Hands’ Meetings are invested in Working Groups, initiated and led by GLEON members who communicate both electronically and in person between All Hands’ Meetings. Members are self-organized at both the group and sub-team levels, keeping the group efforts on-task and productive.
Moderate/Facilitate at an All Hands Meeting
GLEON meetings are always led by a number of active GLEON members in a voluntary, dynamic and collaborative fashion. If you are interested in moderating or facilitating at an All Hands’ Meeting, get in touch with Steering Committee co-chairs.
Create GLEON Science deliverables
Manuscript and software development are led by motivated GLEON individuals. All GLEON members are encouraged to make intellectual and data contributions to science deliverables on active projects, taking the exploratory brainstorms not only to a collaborative process but to scientific significant products.
Education and Outreach
Connect with communities outside of GLEON (e.g. citizen-scientists, classrooms, labs, etc.) or generate outreach/educational content for such community activities. Currently, little educational or outreach content for network science exists. If you use network data in outreach, classrooms or labs, we welcome you to share your experiences and/or content with other GLEON members.
**New opportunities are always emerging. If you have a good idea for something you want to do or lead in GLEON or if you would like more information on one of the opportunities on this page, please feel free to contact us.