The Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) is a grassroots organization. Recording progress is important to grow and sustain GLEON. This growth and sustainability will be aided in part by the visibility of GLEON in the published literature, scientific presentations, and web-based materials. If you feel that the work you are publishing, presenting at meetings, or posting on your own website benefited from your participation in GLEON, its existence, or its products, it would be appropriate to acknowledge GLEON.
Published Literature
Below is suggested language for acknowledging GLEON:
“This work benefited from participation in or use of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).”
On a slide for a meeting, it might be appropriate to simply list the GLEON acronym — or one of the logos below — where you acknowledge your other collaborators or collaborating organizations.
Please send us a copy of your paper or presentation or a link to it.