The GLEON Student Association (GSA) informs, trains, and mentors students, enabling the next generation of scientists to participate in collaborative, international, and interdisciplinary network science.
The GSA is run by and for GLEON student members with direction from the GLEON Steering Committee. The group is led by a chair, a co-chair and a co-chair elect, all graduate student members of GLEON. In addition to tremendous opportunities afforded by human networking, GLEON provides high-impact experiences for students. The GLEON Student Association acts to communicate and facilitate the many opportunities for students within the GLEON network, including:
- GSA Subcommittees
- Student Workshops
- Student Opportunities at GLEON Meetings
- Blog.GLEON Coordination and Publishing
- GLEON Student Science
- GLEON Fellowship Program
- GLEON Site Exchange Program (currently inactive until further funding is confirmed)
- Other GLEON Student Activities
We encourage students to view the GSA Organizational Document (check back soon for the latest update), become a GLEON member, and get involved!
GSA Leadership
- Anna Schmidt, University of Vermont, United States (Chair)
- Lipa Nkwalale, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Germany (Co-chair)
- Keerthana Suresh, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria (Co-chair elect)
GSA Advisor
- Bas Ibelings, University of Geneva, Switzerland
The GLEON Student Association (GSA) organizes student-oriented workshops for the All Hands’ Meetings, and in 2021, launched the GLEON GSA Limnoseries: Workshops & Lectures that are recorded and posted to GLEON’s YouTube Channel.
Student Opportunities at GLEON Meetings
At GLEON meetings, students and the GLEON Student Association have a significant presence and contribute substantially to the organization, leadership, collaborations, and search projects that underpin GLEON.
Student Poster Session
Cool Things Session
GLEON’s Cool Things session at All Hands’ Meetings includes several short (~5-10 min) presentations by GLEON members doing cutting edge, novel work. It is intended to be a casual presentation of recently acquired data or results. Students are invited to participate and lead a presentation by submitting an abstract during meeting registration.
Network Partnership Program
The Committee for inClusive Collaboration implements a mentoring program at GLEON meetings to increase student and new member involvement and integration into the network. The Network Partnership Program (NPP) matches each student or New-to-GLEON meeting attendee, with more experienced members in the GLEON community as their GLEON Partner. Students are matched with a NPP Partner based on experience in the network and scientific interests. The exact terms of this mentorship will vary depending on the particular needs of the New-to-GLEON and GLEON Partners. The GLEON Partner is expected to be friendly and supportive, make frequent contact with the Student/New-to-GLEON Partner during the meeting, and introduce them to other GLEON members. This partnership will provide an opportunity for enhanced networking facilitated by the GLEON Partners and foster increased collaboration and collegiality.
GLEON Student Science
The science that GLEON conducts spans from data integration and information technology to aquatic ecology and limnology. As such, there are many opportunities for students from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines to get involved, contribute, and learn. GLEON provides a unique learning experience for students. As a grassroots organization, GLEON provides opportunities for students to create, lead, and network with top scientists. As an organization on the frontiers of ecology and information technology, GLEON provides opportunities for students to learn new skills and collaborate with individuals from disciplines as diverse as network engineers, physical limnologists, and aquatic ecologists. GLEON science covers many domains that provide unique student training opportunities that are unparalleled academic environments.
Many GLEON students are co-leading working group projects and publications. Please check out those tabs on GLEON website respectively and contact them if you have questions.
Interested in leading, joining, or initiating a new GLEON student science project? Feel free to email the GSA leadership.
Other GLEON Student Opportunities
GLEON hosts and encourages a number of other activities, including small research group meetings outside of regular GLEON meetings. GLEON is a multidisciplinary, international grassroots network. Therefore, the programs and activities that occur are the result of individual involvement, leadership, and passion.
Student collaboration and involvement extend well beyond GLEON all-hands meetings. If you are interested in organizing a GLEON session or workshop in international or regional aquatic science meetings such as ASLO, SIL, ESA, ILTER, US-LTER and more, please contact both the GLEON Steering Committee co-chairs and GSA leaders.
Examples of such activities include:
- Freshwater Advanced Aquatic Sensor Workshop: Sensors, Platform and Data Management 201, Michigan
- Special sessions at ESA (Ecological Society America) or ASLO Annual Meetings
- Summer Course 2011: Automatic Stations and High-Frequency Data Analysis, Sweden
- Delta Internship, Spring 2009 – Ashley Shade
Interested in starting a new activity? Feel free to contact the GSA leadership.
Contact the GSA for more information.