The GLEON 2024 Virtual All Hands’ Meeting, 8-12 April 2024 was held in GLEON’s GatherTown online meeting space following a similar program and weekly schedule for online meeting activities as before.
For the first time, the GLEON virtual meeting had a ‘local’ host from an underrepresented region. For the GLEON 2024 Meeting, the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) served as local host to help highlight regional research on Lake Tanganyika, the African Great Lakes, and other regional lake research topics.
The hashtag #GLEON2024 was used for social media.
With the success of in-person and virtual meetings in 2021-2023, the GLEON Steering Committee recognized the value of both meeting formats to facilitate the inclusiveness of online meetings and the kinds of interactions at in-person meetings that are key to the network’s collaborative approach to lake science. They made a commitment to continue organizing All Hands’ Meetings, alternating between virtual and in-person meetings every nine months or so.