GLEON Working Groups meet during All Hands’ Meetings. The currently active groups are listed below.

Climate & Lake Dynamics

This working group focuses on lake dynamics, often within the context of changing climatic drivers.

Community Science

The Community Science Working Group had its beginnings as an Adhoc group on citizen science at the GLEON 17 meeting in Korea (2015) and evolved into a full working group at the GLEON 18 meeting in Austria (2016), a joint meeting with NETLAKE, GLEON’s sister network in Europe. Members from both networks teamed up to initiate lake-based citizen science on a global scale.


They Cyanobacteria Working Group met for the first time in Hamilton, NZ during the GLEON 8 meeting and proposed the following question as the focus of our conversations and activity: Do patterns in physical buoy variables exist that occur before or after cyanobacterial blooms in repeatable ways for the four major cyanobacterial groups?

Freshwater Biological Interactions

Formerly known as The Theory Group (TTG), this Working Group was reorganized into Freshwater Biological Interactions at the GLEON 2023 Meeting in Poland.

Lake Metabolism & Carbon Cycling

This working group addresses issues related to lake gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (R) as well as the carbon cycle in general.

Lake Modelling

The goal of this group is to utilize the GLEON network for the development and application of ecosystem models and enable GLEON scientists to simulate lake and watershed processes. The (Ecosystem) Modelling Working Group was formed in 2010.

Remote Sensing

This working group started as an ad hoc group and met in-person for the first time at the GLEON 2022 Meeting in New York. Topics include using remote sensing to study broad scale changes derived from climate change.

Reservoirs & Lake Management

This working group was formed at the GLEON 14 meeting in Ireland and focuses on research and management of reservoirs and lakes. Because of their use for water supply, power generation, and even recreation, reservoirs are important waterbodies and an ongoing topic of discussion. Reservoirs are also closely linked with lake management, another ongoing topic of research for this working group.


This Working Group met for the first time at the GLEON 2022 Meeting in New York to review and reflect on GLEON’s work, serve as a home for cross-working group projects, and provide a link to other networks.

Winter Limnology

This Working Group first met at the GLEON 19 Meeting in New York and has already completed several projects.